Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States: Do not exchange the Ukraine to America?

Donald Trump is the 45th president of the United States: Do not exchange the Ukraine to America?

Republican Donald Trump won the presidential race was the 45 president of the USA.

Even on the eve of the presidential race journalist Sergei Forest analyzed biography and principles of Donald Trump and predicted his victory in the presidential race.

Donald Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in Queens. In 13 years, he ran into difficulties, and his parents sent him to a private boarding school in hopes to direct his energy and assertiveness in a positive manner. Trump studied at the academy in upstate New York, and later began his career in his father's company and at first concentrated on the area that preferred to his father - rent houses for people.

June 16, 2015 at its headquarters, located in a skyscraper "Trump Tower" in Manhattan, he officially announced his intention to become a candidate for the US presidency from the Republicans, adding: "I will be the greatest president ever created by God" .

After the start of the presidential race Trump in early July 2015 moved into first place among Republican presidential candidates, avoiding, in particular, such serious competitors as Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio.

Many voters prefer it openly rude manner, he says what he believes, and what people want to hear. Trump is very charismatic, a real showman. He loves to press - his wild antics always draw attention, on publications it a win-win. The expressions he did not hesitate and he who tries to offend him, may run into a much more coarse insults and venomous.

As an example: one of his harsh remarks to his fellow party members in the presidential election in 2008, John McCain, where he said: "He was a war hero, because he was captured? I like people who do not fall into captivity. " Trump's Words about captivity, reminded famous Stalin decree 227 - threatening draconian deserters and prisoners of war.

In his election campaign, he has repeatedly declared sympathy for the Russian president, and Putin has repeatedly praised Trump. For example, during his press conference, Putin called it a "very bright" and "talent without any doubt" man. Trump welcomed these comments and took Putin's words enthusiastically, describing them as evidence that his administration will be able to establish a good collaboration with the Russian.

Do not barter America will Ukraine to Syria?After all, in his statements he approves joint operation with Russia against LIH. In the event of his election as US president he would send all the Syrian refugees to their homeland, despite all the political correctness. He says that immigrants - rapists and drug traffickers.

Most likely, after winning Trump normalize relations with Russia, and Ukrainian authorities will have hard times. By the way speaking, if we take America's history over the past 100 years, the Republican presidential had a warm relationship with the Soviet Union, and later Russia. Recall the Republicans: Gerold Ford, George Bush and Ronald Reagan.

Psychological portrait of Donald Trump - a portrait of an authoritarian leader who, in spite of any obstacles and possible victim will receive his own. He also reminds somewhere Henry Ford, who once sympathized with and funded by the German dictator Hitler.

As for the Clinton family, the life behind them stretches a long train of scandals with the same Monica Lewinsky, buying land in Arkansas. But so far, the main charge - when he was Secretary of State she used for official correspondence personal email address. And to take the statement of Hillary Clinton in relation to the Russian president, it is always said that Putin - a KGB agent and he has no soul, by definition. It is called the main Russophobe America.

Let us return to our candidate, so who is behind Trump? What the reactionary circles and perhaps influential Jewish groups want to see him as president? Apparently, the military-industrial complex, which has already announced that they will support him in the election.

A statement of some of the world media that the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds would not allow the arrival of Trump to power, most likely is misinformation, because they, and bring him to power. Trump in their hands becomes a battering ram to world domination.

In conclusion, I would like to recall the outstanding American predictor of Edgar Cayce, and so, he wrote, that 44 would be the last president of the United States.


Sergei Forest

Source: http://zhzh.info/

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